Our Recent Products!
Ernest turns 50 years old!
Thank You President Rose Mary!
After 60 years of dedicated service, our beloved President Rose Mary has decided to retire. Her contributions to our company have been invaluable and she will be deeply missed. Rose Mary has been an inspirational leader and role model for all of us. She has brought our company to new heights, and we are all grateful for her unwavering dedication and commitment.
As we say goodbye to Rose Mary, we are thrilled to announce that Ron Eckert will be stepping up as our new company president. Ron has been with our company for many years and has earned the respect and admiration of the entire staff.
We know that change can be challenging but we are excited about what the future holds for our company. We are confident that Ron will lead our staff with the same level of passion, commitment and dedication as Rose Mary did.
On behalf of the entire company, I would like to express our deepest appreciation to Rose Mary for her decades of service and dedication. We wish her a happy and fulfilling retirement. And we extend our warmest congratulations to Ron on his new role as company president.

Our History is What makes us the best!
Winter Sausage was founded by Eugene Winter, a master sausage maker (wurst macher) from Germany. The family tradition continues today with the same time-tested recipes used in our products. The current management, led by Ron Eckert, is committed to producing the same quality products that our customers have come to expect for over 70 years.
Our Recent Products!

proud to be the Official Sausage of the Detroit Tigers
Contact us for sales or fundraising related queries!
Winter Sausage Manufacturing Company
22011 Gratiot Ave. Eastpointe, MI 48021
(586) 777-9080 - or - Toll Free: 1-800-321-2987